●Aki ● 03.26 ● ❤04/08/23❤ ● Pagan ● Digital Artist ● Canada●
Hello everyone! Many of you may know me by many names; Khaleesi, Kiyiya, Akiba, or even Aki! All of these still work fine and I still answer to all of them, although I do prefer to be called Khaleesi as the name has alot of sentimental meaning to me but hey! Beggars can't be choosers right!? I'm a 34yr old Multi-media artist. I'm majoring in volcanology and have thus far, had a blast! I live on the West Coast, of British Columbia Canada, out on Vancouver Island, in a semi small town of roughly 3k people! I live with my 4 kitties (Bastet, Lou, Akela and Anubis) and currently am rooming at home with my mom and stepdad while we renovate my tiny home!
In regards to being a 'multi-media artist', what this means is, no matter the media, I've probably dabbled in it. AI? Done it. Videography? Done it. Digital Art? Done it. Traditional art? Done it. Photography? Done it. Music? Done it. There's really not much in the way of 'art' that I haven't done. I've been drawing ever since I was 3. Yep my mom still has some of those early 'ohmygod why'd you keep that!?' drawings🤣 However, as I've gotten older, I've begun to expand on my chosen medium which happens to be surprise! Photography! Some of my works have won online awards, been featured in local newspapers, and have been showcased in a local art show! I'm 100% self taught in the digital field which is why my artwork seems bland (lack of highlights), this is because when I was in high school art class, we never focused on digital art like they do today.
In fact, it was strictly prohibited to have any electronic device in class! And my art teacher was 100% dead set against digital art, fearing it would take over and destroy traditional mediums (which sadly, in some cases, this is in fact true), so our focus in class was the classical arts such as Oscar-Claude Monet and the sort. So my first medium was, in fact, traditional art and from time to time, I return to it (much harder to steal 😉).
As you can see, I love photography! If and when, I ever get the chance to upload all my photography, you'll get to see, I've loved it ever since I was allowed to buy disposable cameras (yes I'm that old!) In the photo over yonder, you can see Three Pink-Tipped Anemones. These guys go by the scientific name of Anthopleura elegantissima and are apart of the Actiniidae family and are widespread throughout British Columbia coastal waters. Other names include Aggregating Anemone; Pink-Tipped Anemone; Surf Anemone. I found these guys in a tide pool on the beach near the Cluxewe Resort which is a First Nations-owned and operated campground, RV park and resort on northern Vancouver Island. I had a ton of fun photographing them and even saw a giant black sea slug, several miniature white banded shrimp, an octopus and several thousand crabs!

But as you can see by my 'The beautiful Pulteney Point Lighthouse on Sointula Island' photo, I don't just dabble in animal photography. I capture whatever 'calls' to me. This lighthouse in particular is home to a single family. Each month they come over to Port McNeill and do this big grocery shop and stock up on pretty much everything. It's not that they're overly remote, they aren't, it's the fact that you simply can't leave the lighthouse unattended for long periods of time and so, it's easier to do the grocery shop when their oldest drives over via the ferry at the end of each month. Having yet to get over there, I feel privileged to live so close to such a historic piece of our island's history and someday, I'll get over to Sointula!
But this past July, I wanted so badly to do ArtFight2023! My chosen team was Werewolves cause lycans rule! But sadly, I had to move and so that idea went out the window (there's always next year though!) However this year, I was happily surprised to see more of my fellow Losehnkaians joining! I wanted so badly to feature the rival team's horses in one big image but sadly, my move put that on hold and then, once I was moved, I had to go into detox as I had black mold spores in my bloodstream! This meant spending 2 weeks in hospital getting the toxic blood removed and new blood pumped in so I was pretty much dead to the world. I tried so badly to get artwork done but I kept losing interest. But I did manage to get 2 drawings done, although they aren't finished! But nonetheless, I was happy to get @finalmasterplan's Red done! But as mentioned, he's not in the finished piece just yet so no savies please!

And on days when I'm not online anywhere, I'm on IMVU doing modeling. I have so many looks that I've been able to grow in this field and I thoroughly enjoy it because I don't have to waste real world money to pull off any given look. Often times, I'm approached by content creators to showcase their new items from their catalogs and I'll do so and the bonus part is getting the merchandise for free! I've never felt pressured to do this field of work and I can go months and not log onto my account and log on one day to over 50 requests for work to be done but because people know IMVU has lost it's luster and appeal, they understand that I have to mentally prepare to log on and do anything. IMVU used to be such a fun place to be but sadly, so many have come and gone that it no longer appeals to me and not even modeling has resolved that. I stayed for as long as I have simply because my brother's account hasn't been deactivated (which is a surprise as he's been dead for so long) but I made him a promise the day he logged off, a day before his bike race, that should he not return, I would keep my account up until the company deactivated his and then and only then would I leave. I've kept my word but don't log on. It's simply too painful.

To those who come across my account, please don't be freaked out or scared to interact with me! I don't bite and am actually quite laid back. I'm a fairly quiet person who keeps to herself a good 99.999% of the time (and many can attest to this statement). I tend to lurk in discord servers and only engage whenever I personally feel like doing so (this is probably why a good percentage of the time, I miss out on groups updating 🤣) I'm always open to help others out but as I suffer from ADHD/ADD/OCD/BPD/FASDs/Anxiety/Depression, I tend to 'close' myself off from people and tend to deal with issues on my own and oftentimes, this can include lashing out when under severe duress (I don't handle stress very well😅 but it's something I'm working on!) and this can make me seem like I'm stuck up, snotty, etc when the reality is, I'm just under a ton of stress and I tend to bottle shit up and don't talk to anyone about it because I don't believe in making my problems, someone else's and this even extends to my therapist who has a hella time getting me to open up to her. So please, don't take it personally if I come across as rude. It's never my intention!
That all said, welcome travelers to my blog! I hope you enjoy the content I post and please, never hesitate to ask questions!
Remember to be nice to each other,
☽◯☾𝓘𝓶𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼☽◯☾
I'm the proud brand Ambassador for;
Relentless Rebels {https://relentlessrebels.com/?ref=khaleesi}
Meow Lives {https://meowlives.com/?ref=bastet}
4Ocean {link coming soon!}
Viking Trinkets {Link coming soon!}
☽◯☾𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓭 𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰;☽◯☾