Name: Bastet
Pronunciation: ba-stuht
Age: 12
Breed: Oriental Shorthair
Bio: Bastet has been my sole companion since her brother's death in 2011. Loosing MoMo, hurt more than I can say and knowing what I know, even now, it hurts. Bastet is MoMo's full sister. They share the same father; Salem and same mother; Nala. Somehow, Salem passed on his strong, black coloring to both siblings, despite both being born a year apart and on the same day no less (April 1st). Bastet is self trained in how to walk on a leash and harness and I've often been asked how one can go about teaching a cat to walk on a harness. Sadly, there never is a sure fire to do this. Some cats will take to it, others won't. It's just something that can't be forced. Bastet's also my service animal and for everything that she is and does, she has saved my life countless times. More than I can count. And for that, I'll be forever grateful to her. Funnily enough, her name means 'Protector' in Egyptian.

The photo that has made her famous.