This post is a 'just a head's up'. I've been having to deal with this for a few months now and honestly? It's getting old.
Some good reading; [Model Horses] The Artist Base for a Popular Model Horse Casting Company Is Crumbling Due to the Owner's Gaslighting
So seeing as it's MY name being brought up, I figured I'd let everyone know to be warned about this. Sherry Carr, owner of Seunta is claiming I have claimed I've done business with her. I want to first say, she is lying (as per usual). Below I've outlined some key pointers.
I've NEVER said I've done business with her. In all my postings on the Model Horse Transaction Board and within the comments section, I've NEVER said nor claimed to of done "business" with her. I have, however, had an exchange with her, in the comments a few years ago, when an artist had a bad experience with her. I attempted to point out to Sherry that her CONSTANTLY threatening people, is against the law (which it is). That post was later removed by the admins or the postee, due to the constant THREATS from Sherry herself, which we are ALL AWARE OF as it was a PINNED POST within this group. Her friend Rose, has also tried to spread this FALSE INFORMATION about me, along with the false claims (meanwhile, when THEY have been asked for 'proof' they've been unable to provide it - to show where I've said I've done "business" with Sherry).
I have ALWAYS stood by the negative reviews given to Sherry (of which there are many). She needs to LEARN and GROW from those reviews, instead she uses these reviews to THREATEN and HARASS people with lawsuits, legal actions, etc (issues my own lawyer has been made aware of and has a case file open in the 'just in case'). What Sherry seems to think and insists on, is that I'm saying I've done business with her. This makes no logical sense because I've ALWAYS claimed and stated, I would NEVER do business with her based solely on her highly aggressive attitude which triggers my cPTSD (my own father used to do what Sherry currently does but he did so against me, so even taking the time to read what Sherry has done to someone, takes a ton of will power on my behalf. So why would I put myself into a situation where I'm doing business with someone who; threatens people, harasses people, belittles peoples, lies about them, etc when it's a highly triggering thing for me mentally and emotionally? Make her statements make sense)!
I have never "attacked" Sherry/Seunta. And there's no valid proof of this. Commenting on someone's post and offering them advice/insight based upon the information provided to us, the audience, is not bashing nor attacking someone. It's offering an opinion based upon the facts given. This is called OPINION BASED INSIGHT and is something Sherry would know, if she'd take even two seconds to read what people have posted.
I stand by my statement I gave to Sherry all those years ago. Having a company means you're going to get negative and positive reviews. Those reviews are never said out of malice but are instead, meant to help give you insight into how you can make your business grow. Elon Musk does this. Microsoft does this. Facebook, despite it's failings, does this. Twitch does this. You wanna know what company DIDN'T do this? A live streaming platform known as Mixer. When Microsoft bought it, they REFUSED to listen to the negative feedback given to them based upon how staff were being rude, demeaning, etc. Mixer was then PERMANENTLY SHUT DOWN ON JULY 22ND, 2020. And all because the company refused to listen to the negative information being given to them. This company was a multi billion dollar company - gone. It doesn't matter how long you've been in business for. When you insist on poor business practices such as poor PR practices, eventually, people will stop doing business with you. I own two businesses. One which deals with pets. I use the negative reviews given to me by owners (more often than not in private conversations) as a means to grow. Where can I improve? How can I improve? Based upon the feedback given to me, since I began operating in my new town this past year, I've never gotten a negative review because I used the first two years to grow, to improve. Does this mean, my business will never get another negative review? No. It just means I can't please everyone and in some cases, you have to shrug the negative review off and say "well I tried". But NEVER have I resorted to threatening people with lawsuits, suing them, etc (firstly because such behavior is considered a threat in of itself and can see you charged). But like I've said to Sherry in the past via a comment on someone else's post, if you use poor PR practices and use threatening behavior, eventually people will cease doing business with you. It doesn't matter what your store income says, what your Etsy says. People don't care what your "numbers" say. They care about what your reviews say.
This brings me to this final point. Whenever you buy something off Amazon or eBay, do you go with the storefront with 0 - 1 star reviews? No. You go with the storefronts with 4+ reviews. These are the storefronts who usually honor the business being given to them. If a storefront has more negative reviews versus positive ones, do you take a chance? Do you risk losing your money plus your item(s)? Or do you go browsing for a better storefront? More often than not, the answer will be the latter. People won't do business with someone who has more negative reviews than positive ones and FORCING people to leave only positive reviews is a form of blackmail. I don't care about my item(s). I don't care if I get a refund (I can easily phone my bank and get one anyways). All I care about is how your PR treated me when a transaction goes south. Are you polite? Are you understanding? Accommodating? Or do you sit there and use thinly veiled threats of lawsuits, suing me, etc, to get your way? This has been the point with EVERYONE whose had a negative experience with Sherry/Seunta has tried to get across to her. And have failed to do so. I will stand by my statement that I gave to Sherry all those years ago; your business lives or dies by the reviews given to you and the attitude YOU give out. You can have a million positive reviews, a million negative reviews, NO ONE CARES about those. What they care about is the information contained within those reviews. The screenshots of the transactions. The attitude YOU have given out/off. If you bully someone, eventually even the reviews won't make a difference. People will simply cease going to you.
The Screenshots
In the first screenshot, you're seeing her and her friend Rose (who owns a rather large model horse related group here on Facebook but this is what she does behind people's backs apparently - which is bash them and lie about them) claim I've said I've done "business" with her, in a private chat used to moderate Rose's group. In the second, is a recent comment I posted on the Model Horse Transaction Board on someone else's post. In NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM does the second screenshot say, I've done business with her. It does, however say, I would NEVER DO BUSINESS with her based solely on the crap she's done.
Now after speaking with an admin of this group, the admin in question remembered the post I was inquiring on. That post was removed but the admin wasn't certain if it was done by the postee or one of the team, but she did remember it being because the postee couldn't afford being sued by Sherry.
I have NEVER posted ANYTHING in regards to doing business with Seunta. If you search my name in the Model Horse Transaction group, you will find, I'm quite vocal on my transactions, good, bad, or in between, (I'm also well known for posting lights in advance to my getting an item(s) ). I try my best to make sure lights are given for transactions I enter into. And you can bet, had I done business with Sherry and it'd gone either way, lights would of be posted. Per group rules, Green for a good transaction, Yellow for a transaction that went so so and reds for a transaction that went south really quickly. However, the fact that I comment on posts in regards to Sherry, it somehow means I've done business with her???? It somehow means I'm 'attacking/bashing' her????
I'm not entirely sure how commenting on someone's post means you've done business with so and so, but according to Sherry, this is the lie being spun by both her and her friend (and I have screenshots of the conversations with her friend, in question - which I've added).
Even in the conversation with her friend Rose, I've stated (quite clearly I might add) that I've NEVER DONE BUSINESS with Sherry. I have, however, commented on posts in which she's been mentioned, and per THE GROUP'S RULES offered insight on what I've read based upon the screenshots given. I've offered advice, just like everyone else has done on countless posts, but apparently, my commenting means I've somehow, someway, done business with Sherry which is a bald faced lie.
So folks, it seems by posting, I'm doing business with so and so😂🙄I really don't understand the logic behind this but it is what it is I guess🤷♀️
Below is a conversation I'd had with Sherry's friend Rose, after only mentioning Sherry had gotten another red on the MHTB. I had zero idea, at that time, that they were friends.

In my reply, you can clearly see I've stated, I've never done business with Sherry, nor would I ever do business with her and why.

In this next screenshot, which came directly from an MHTB admin, they explain why Sherry was banned and for what reason. I discovered this information, after asking about the post, Rose was inquiring on.
In this next screenshot, Rose made a private chat to talk about ME BEHIND MY BACK. I was made aware of this chat by a good friend of mine who brought the chat to my attention.
Others that were added, weighed in, with Rose citing I was 'just joining the peanut gallery'. Keep in mind, that Rose accused me in our conversation of not being able to remain 'neutral' but yet, she says and does this towards me?
Others advised Rose to address me privately, of which she did. But they also advised her to give me a warning, despite not having any further context, other than what Rose was providing for them.
What Rose fails to remember is, I had also been accepting some of Sherry's posts into Rose's group. I'd had no idea Sherry was even in the group but had had NO ISSUES with her until I'd mentioned the recent red review against her. Then, despite knowing Sherry can't remain neutral, Rose made her a moderator/administrator of her group.
In a post addressed to those within the chat, Sherry had this to say; Link
Then, as Sherry began to 'work' the group, she had no idea how to even do the basics, things which should of been explained to her by Rose and clearly weren't;
Clearly, even in this next screenshot, someone is not willing to 'train' Sherry, like Rose did with me. And many whom I've spoken too, don't understand why Rose just yeeted me, without so much as saying a word on me being removed. She'd BLOCKED ME as I was responding to her final message to me. She then added someone, who, at no blame to herself, added Sherry who knew nothing about how the group functioned, worked, accepted and or declined posts, and join requests. And instead, made Sherry feel like she had to say this;
Now y'all may be going "but Kiy! You've got an issue with Sherry and Rose, why are you also defending Sherry?" Because. What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. How Rose treated me, and then, ultimately, treated Sherry, by adding her as a moderator to her group, without explaining things to her, is wrong. But what they're both saying about me, is also wrong.
Sherry needs to understand that literally no one is out to get her, to hurt her, or her business. No one on the face of this planet wants to do that. But when you practice piss poor PR skills on a continued basis, that's where the issues come up, that's where the problems begin. And again, you can have a million positive reviews and a million negative reviews, doing what she's done on a continued basis, is what will, over time, cause her business to fail.
It's funny. When you look up her business on Google, there's no Google reviews. Most LLCs have this. But when you look to other model related blogs, you find thousands of reviews that are negative. Causing your customers to fear negative, legal backlashing, is a form of emotional blackmail. It's a form of gaslighting. It's something bully's do when they can't get their way. "Oh I'm taking you to court!" Why? Because so and so had a negative experience with you and you seemingly, can't handle it?
A negative review, isn't meant to hurt you or your business. If there's anything I've learned from Gordan Ramsey, it's that negative reviews are meant to show you where your short comings in your business is and to address those issues. Not with your customers, but with yourself. Because ultimately, it's not you, whose had the negative expierence at your establishment; it's your customers. Their opinion of your business, whether negative or positive, is meant to give you insight, it's meant to give you the tools on how to become better. But you can't do that, when you threaten, harass, lie, belittle, and slander someone for saying something you don't agree with or like.
I get it. No one likes reading something negative that they've worked so hard to build from the ground up and more often than not, without any sort of help from others. But at the end of the day, all that work is for nothing, if you continue being a bully. If you continue using poor PR skills.
Your business ultimately, lives or dies, by how YOU the owner, reacts to a negative review. And that has been the message, many have tried to get through to Sherry. And have sadly, failed. It's my opinion that by the time Sherry does realize her shortcomings, it'll be too little, too late. And I'd be willing to bet, her numbers aren't as positive as she lets others believe they are. I'm willing to bet, her numbers are telling her an entirely different story and this is why she's lashing out like she is. But at the end of the day, she has no one to blame but herself.
By over reacting like she did, with that very first negative review, she set the stage for her business's downfall. Whether it was a fast decline or short, it doesn't matter. More and more people are saying they've had bad expierences with her, and this is making possible artists go elsewhere.
Funny thing about artists; we don't like drama. We don't like dealing with it and will avoid it like it's the eigtheenth plague wonder of the world. So if we know so and so has a bad reputation for causing drama, we'll go elsewhere. We'll take our business elsewhere. And I'm willing to bet, Sherry's finical numbers are reflecting this back to her.
And as I've said before to her, you'll have no one to blame, but yourself should your business fail. And judging from what I've read, the failing has already begun.