So a few days ago, I had someone say the following to me;
And I really wanted to see what the finical loss would be through the 2022 tax season as we won't be able to do the 2023 season until next April/May (or whenever Sweden does their income taxes). Taxes are something everyone must do. In fact, you can end up in alot of hot water with your government for not paying your taxes or doing them. So of course, I got curious and went to Fidelity Tax Calculator. Please be aware that this is for Canada only, so I can only tell you what the estimated cost of what the taxes would be for a Canadian resident and or company. So let's get into it shall we?
Now as I'm in BC (British Columbia), I selected BC. I put in the $40,000,000 income from employment (which is what SSO's would be).
I left these blank because to my knowledge, SSO doesn't do Charitable Donations/Contributions and if they do, I have no access to that. As they aren't in Canada, they have no RRSP and I'm uncertain what taxes they would of already paid out throughout the year. So leaving these blank, I clicked 'Calculate'.
As you can see over half of SSO's entire income went to taxes owed to the government.
For those saying "They can afford to give a free $13.99CAD 300SC code" no, no they can not. They'd make no income if they did so and already, they've given us so much these past 4ish months. Hollow Woods = Free Items. Halloween = Free Items. Winter Village = Free Items. Moorland Shop = Free Items.
So what does $40,000,000 minus $$21,355,472 look like? Well, let's check it out! Here's what the math looks like prior to the final calculation.
And here's what they, SSO made at the end of the 2022 year after taxes.
$18,644,528 is left after taxes. Now all this money has to go towards the following;
Paying employees
Paying building rent
Paying land taxes for the building
Paying Water
Paying Sewage
Paying Hydro
Paying investors
Paying Share Holders
Paying their copyright license which must be updated at the end of the year
Paying their lawyers (yes they have a legal team)
Paying their tech support
Paying their security systems
All of this, eventually adds up. $18 million doesn't go very far. Not in today's world and the SSO community needs to realize this.
No it's not. Now when SSO first began, they may have done the yearly 300SC code. But that's when they were starting up and wanting to grow their audience. Now that they have that audience, they really don't need to give us anything for free. Understand, that a company can go broke if they continually give things away for nothing.
And on the subject of "It's tradition!" a tradition is getting the family together for Christmas. Baking Christmas treats and or dinner. Giving gifts. Meri Lwyd. Giving books on Yule Eve. Etc. THESE are traditions and some of these, don't hold up in today's world. Traditions are, quite literally, a dying era. It used to be "tradition" to hang onto family heirlooms till the current generation decided, such heirlooms were much more valuable as money in their pockets and now, hardly anyone keeps family heirlooms from the 18th century or what have you.
The Oxford Dictionary cites Tradition as the following;
Getting a Star Coin Code, is in no way shape or form a tradition. It was simply something the players began calling such because they got something for free.
"Well my mom and dad can't afford Star Coins!"
Then get a job? My neighbor's 3 and 4yr old daughters 'work'. They have household chores in which they get an allowance for. And my other neighbor's 10yr old helps his dad mow lawns in the spring/summer/fall. I know of dozen of public and high school students who also have seasonal jobs with some grade 12s even using this money to buy themselves their first vehicle. Star Coin Codes aren't something we should be demanding.
"Well this year was full of glitches!"
And? You show me one video game that doesn't have glitches or bugs when it's first released. Hell when Cyberpunk was first released, the amount of bugs and glitches nearly caused the company to pull the game right off the market entirely (and it's still glitchy af). Valheim needs an update so badly that many people hardly play it now as there's quite literally nothing to do once you defeat all the bosses and complete all known quests and we've been promised an Ashland update for years now and have never gotten one (though one is expected to drop by Christmas 2024).
"They were shady and sly in that Star Rider deal!"
If you genuinely believe SSO was shady in doing a test on an idea, that was most likely given to their Game Masters and Ambassadors first (which all are under an NDA agreement, meaning those records, were leaked illegally), then you need to take a look at what your local government does daily before you start picking on a gaming company. Companies test ideas out all the time and they never release the information about these tests because of usually how the generalized public and or the community in which they target, reacts or, in this case, over reacts. Nothing SSO did, was illegal. Trust me when I say, if it were illegal, their entire legal team would of cited such and the idea never would of seen the light of day.
People need to chill out. We've gone multiple times thus far and never gotten a Star Coin code, why is this year, such a bad year for everyone? Has something happened in your own personal lives that you're maliciously going out of your way to target other people and their livelihoods? Are you really willing to slander a company for no reason other than the fact, that you didn't get that bright shiny toy that you were demanding and no one else was?
Why do you, the people who are so pissed off, call others who are genuinely grateful for what we got this year, ass kissers or SSO suck ups?
The toxicness coming from this community is genuinely disturbing. Especially when you stop and consider the younger audience this is already heavily influencing. Kids today already feel like they're entitled to x,y,z and whenever they don't get those things, they turn around and do stupid shit knowing full damn well, the parents are powerless to do anything because heaven forbid you spank your kid without someone, somewhere calling CPS on you for disciplining your child for breaking the rules or worse, the law.
I'm 34yrs old and I'm honestly grateful for what I got this year from the company. Trust me when I say, if those complaining took the time to actually look at what they got this year, in these past 4 months alone, you'd actually see we got a hell of alot of stuff for free.
Gratefulness goes a long way folks. It really does.