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The Toxicity of the Model Horse Community

Writer: Akiba WolfAkiba Wolf

A few hours ago I was asked why I wanted the CC Icelandic model. I'm not sure why I need to explain this, or what literal rock some people clearly have been living under, but the below screenshot is of a massive fissure eruption happening just outside of Grindavik. The very town which is now slated as unsafe for human habitation due in part to the massive volcanic activity and the massive amounts of fissures that have criss crossed the town, making it largely, unstable. This is their third eruption however, this one is deemed to be the largest of the three.

I was told "you're only looking to get a free model for sympathy!" If that were even remotely true, I wouldn't be willing to pay upwards of $250 for a literal piece of plastic that'll do nothing but sit on a shelf and collect dust. I don't need to explain myself to anyone but I will.

Grindavik is where my cousin grew up. We'd had plans of me coming to visit prior to the eruptions starting, prior to the town being evacuated not once, not twice, but three times before being labeled by the Icelandic Government as unsafe. This was a town, I wanted to explore with my cousin. I wanted to explore the volcanic fields surrounding the town. I wanted to collect some of the volcanic rocks from eruptions past. But now? Now I can't. Even as a Volcanology student, I'm not legally allowed entrance due to how unsafe the entire area is. You need to understand, one person is DEAD. Not directly due to an eruption but due to his work equipment falling into a hidden fissure and him dying as a result.

I am so so very tired of this so called "community" acting like the way it has. We used to give models away to those less fortunate. We used to show bloody compassion to those facing hard times. Hell, we never judged someone for how they wanted to price things. Even if we disagreed on the pricing, we never complained. We sure as heck didn't see folks multi accounting like we do now.

But if you genuinely think, I want Reykjavik for free, then you best understand that if this was the case, it's because my money is going towards helping these people rebuild their home elsewhere. This is an entire community of just under 4k, needing to relocate elsewhere. This entire community has lost everything. Their culture. Their history. Everything that made Grindavik, Grindavik, has been lost because mother earth has decided to take the land back. And while these people aren't angry at the earth for literally doing what the earth does best, they are angry that they have been jerked about for MONTHS now. They've waited anxiously on a decision from the government, who for lack of a better word, pissed around and pissed around, before finally coming to a decision, but by this point, the entire community is now tied up in a real estate battle that could take years to see any sort of finical conclusion too.

And no. I don't get this information out of the rear end, I got it from my cousin's dad who works in real estate, who knew where this was heading and has been trying to sell the family home back to the government ever since that first eruption back in 2023. He knew the entire area was becoming more active after a rough 200 - 800 year rest period and he knew the area would remain active for a long time. He knew the government would screw around and sure enough, they did and they have.

I however, shouldn't have to explain why I want something of my cousin's home. I shouldn't have to explain myself nor should I get attacked for it. It's during times like this, that I'm truly grateful my now, 16yr old has zero interest in this "community" because more and more, each and every day, it's proving just how toxic it is and if I'm being plainly honest, I'd rather deal with an erupting volcano, spewing toxic Sulphur than deal with the toxicity that is this so called "community" on any given day, but here I am, foolishly believing y'all can do better, be better and grow up. But time and again, I'm proven why this is a fools dream.

If someone wants to give me Reykjavik that, in my honest opinion is their decision to make and they shouldn't be judged for it. I've given models, highly expensive models away to someone, just out of the kindness of my heart. But recently? I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't become as selfish, greedy and cold hearted like the person who messaged me was (no names will be given - not even to admins - the person was reported directly to Facebook and blocked - I don't need to have any further actions taken).

Do better folks. Because THIS what's happening right now in Grindavik, could happen to you in your own backyard.



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