I want to first preface this with a warning; please do not harass Abroad in Japan aka Chris. He is not the problem here; KICK is. Many of the people in these streams are from the livestreaming platform known as KICK. Which is now under fire and pressure to put more severe penalties on their livestreamers who break real world laws. This post is merely meant to give an outside perspective on the issue at large.
Kick is now under fire and pressure from outside law enforcement to hold their live streamers accountable for when they break offsite rules and regulations. This comes directly on the heels of Johnny Somali's arrest while he was in Japan for six months. All this while he was actively livestreaming to their platform.
Now serious questions are being raised on whether the platform, whose owner is famous for his homophobic, sexist, and Antisemitism remarks, should be permanently shut down. Many believe the platform's future isn't as bright and cherry as many have been led to believe and the changes that have been slow to come into play, have been just that; slow if at all.
These changes which are merely adding more money into the streamers' pocket, only adds fuel to the fire for the more toxic and unhinged streamers, to behave badly. They know their bad behavior irregardless of whether they've livestreaming that behavior or not, they know bad behavior means they'll get money either way, more so when they showcase their antics.
Police have begun to raise too all an important question; are our kids, no matter their age, safe on this platform which encourages hate, racism, and bullying? The simple and short answer is no, no they're not. When we expose children to these toxic behaviors, they pretty much fall into the 'practice what we saw' category and sadly, the cycle begins to repeat itself all over again. When one toxic streamer is removed, another simply takes it's place on the platform.
This has now been labeled as 'Grooming' and the terrifying reality of this, is this form of grooming is legal. Because these streamers are encouraging hate and bullying towards, more often than not, their peers, they themselves fall under the category of simply 'venting', it's up to their viewers to make decisions for themselves. However, if history has taught us anything, it's that hate will always induce hate.
And now many parents of both young and older children, are crying out for KICK to be shut down. Permanently and it's owners be held accountable for all the damages they've done and caused.
We would also like to remind our readers that KICK owner, Adin Ross was kicked out of TwitchCon2023 with further reading found here.
We want our readers to be safe and when an owner of a site allows "hateful conduct" to run rampant and unchallenged and even encouraged by the moderator and administrator team, then you need to know and understand how dangerous a site that truly is.
Remember this, our dear readers; Hate only generates more hate. Negativity only generates more negativity. Mix those two together and you have a disaster waiting to happen, if it's not already happening.