2024 began quietly enough. There were many hopes and plans, some have happened, others have had to wait. In 2024 we lost several friends and beloved family pets. But the memories they gave us - these are the things we remember going into the next season. 2024 for many was tough. It was filled with many challenges. Some we face alone, others we faced together as a united front.

As 2024 neared, I grabbed my handsome boy, Anubis and snapped our first New Year's photo together. Just as the clock struck 1am on January 1st, 2024. Outside, the Port McNeill fireworks were being fired off in full force. And instead of freaking out, as he normally would of, he simply stuck his tounge out in true Anubis fashion.

January was a weird month but you would never guess what the next few months would bring us. January is a long month, it's often cold, wet, rainy, foggy and just overall, there isn't much going on. Everyday goings on, slow down to a mere crawl. The kids return to school for a few weeks before yet another holiday sees them out for a few days, but otherwise, January for me, was a very slow and quiet month.

February began with a squeak. I began getting the waunder lust bug. The strong desire to move was becoming more and more overwhelming and so, I began researching my options. I knew I no longer wanted to rent long term. A few years to get my affairs in order? Sure. But long term? Not really. I enjoy my privacy. I enjoy being my own person without having to worry about offending or upsetting someone. But the prices for rentals blew my mind, so I reached out to my mom and plans were put into motion that come the summer, I would move home.

March was a month filled with so many frustrations. My ex began to pull head games. He had been caught cheating and as much as I fought to fix the problems we'd discussed, I began to realize, that, if it was only me putting the effort into things, and he wasn't willing to meet me even so much as half way, then there was no salvaging a 4yr relationship. During one of his many head game conversations, I became suicidal. I had a full blown meltdown while my mom and stepdad were on the phone. Angry at him and fearful of what I would do if left alone, my mom sent my stepdad to get me at 3am. In the safety of their home, I was able to think more clearly, was able to realize, the relationship I'd been fighting so hard to fix, was done. I felt betrayed, angry, hurt, confused and conflicted. Here my ex was, a former USMC, who'd been taught honor was everything, and he'd done everything to dishonor me by cheating. I finally summed up the courage and walked away and never looked back.
April 1st was Bastet's 13th! 13 amazingly blessed years with the sweetest angel ever. Oh how the time has flown. The many adventures we've had. Both good and bad. On April 1st, the Liverpool ComicCon was ongoing and I was blessed with the chance to Facebook chat with Canadian Actor, Christopher Heyerdahl. Even though I've never gotten the autographs I was meant to get, getting to speak with him, to see him somewhat in person, was everything. Because little did I know what kind of a rollarcoaster May would be.

May began quietly. Almost as if the very world was holding it's breath, as if nature herself knew what the month was about to bring. I'd moved in with my mom and stepdad by this point. And while it was an adjustement, it seemed like the many adventures my mom and I had planned, would finally get to happen. Instead, on May 26th, she collasped late one evening and began to have a seizure. These continued for several months and to this day, we still don't have any answers. We have our suspecions and speculations but nothing medically solid. In the face of the unknown, you tend to lose faith, you tend to feel like everything you've come to know, is now in question. When even medical officials can't figure something out, who then do you turn too?

June saw me realizing more and more, that there will be far less people joining me in 2025. A few people simply stopped chatting with me. No reason given, and whenever I would reach out, the answers were continually short and curt. It's a harsh lesson but I know where I stand in peoples' lives once the communication stops. It's okay to not talk everyday, my sister and I do it often, but, some of the replies given to me by certain parties, have made me realize, they will no longer have a seat at my table.

July saw us spending it quietly at home. Mom's health was still in bad shape. Back to back seizures had left many of us walking on eggshells. Fights were breaking out and uncertainty made us lash out at each other. But finally hope was within grasp when she was put on some new meds to help not only control the seizures, but to minimize them. This was the month I saw my mom flatline...twice. You realize how precious life is when someone you love is hurting and you're powerless to stop whatever it is, that's making them feel poorly.
August saw my photography kick off with back to back photos gaining some amazing awards on ViewBug. I feel so blessed to know that, even if I'm not winning big, I'm still getting alot of valuable expierence and exposure by getting some amazing shots noticed by a wider audience. The many tips, tricks, and advice given from seasoned photographers has been a blessing I truly value and treasure and the friendships I've made over mutual photography interests has been even more of a blessing.
September was one of the hardest months, we've ever had to endure. While it began okay enough, we suddenly realized as a family, that Rex, my mom's retired service dog, had begun to show his age. One day he had the zoomies. He was acting like his old self. And then, on September 8th, he suddenly crashed...hard. He took a massive stroke and became neurotic. He began walking back and forth, going about in circles, was unable to lay down without literally screaming from the pain he was in, and then, something he's never done with me before, while I had let him outside to go to the bathroom, he began to walk away and I instantly knew what he was up too. I was able to catch him but in my heart and soul, I knew he was saying "let me go sister." So I brought him back inside and nodded to my mom, who, with tears streaming down her face, made the gut wrenching phone call. Once at the vet, he was quickly sedated but due to how low his blood preassure had plummented, they had to do this process 3x before he was finally able to lay down without being in pain. By the time 4pm rolled around, my buddy, who was always there whenever I ended up at my mom's house after being rushed to the hospital due to my gall bladder, who kept guard and watch over me while I recovered, who barged into my camper while I was cleaning it up, was gone.
But he went with dignity. As he began to fall asleep, he collasped against me and buried his head into my lap and althought I often wonder if mom was upset by this, I know she isn't. Rex and I had always had a close bond. So I think she understood, that in his final moments, my scent helped him cross over.
October began with the heartbreaking news of Dame, Maggie Smith's passing. Our beloved Professor McGonagall was gone. It just seemed like the world couldn't catch a break. We were losing far too many people and pets whom we loved deeply. But with her passing, Anubis became more cuddly. He began wanting to be cuddled more and I like to think, a piece of Maggie went to him. My beautiful, handsome boy, turned 3 this year and it's been one hell of a year indeed. But on his birthday, he got Halloween fireworks! And he watched them light up the night sky while ekking at them! He was such a sweetheart that night.

November began with the gut wrenching realization that Bastet was indeed, sick. After the vet saying at several visits and consults on the phone that her continued sneezing was 'just allergies', I demanded a second opinion. When something's not right, and my gut instinct is screaming that it's not, I don't apprichate when people, who think that by going to school, that a piece of paper on a wall, means they know more about my pets, than I do. Thankfully, my words were heeded. She sees the vet on Janrary 14th 2025. But still. Being told my cat has Feline Leukemia when the vet didn't even do a snap test, when I personally know what the life expectancy of a cat with unmedicated Feline Leukemia is, pissed me off. To have the original answer switch from allergies to some dire disease? Without the proper bloodworks being done? It's a great way to piss me off.
December began with the amazing news of our stunning Notre Dame's grand reopening and by the great Gods, does she look stunning! Even as a Pagan, I can genuinely apprichate the hard work and dedication that went into getting her back to her grand ole self again. To re-establish a center point in French culture. While yeah, it's been a non-stop party since she reopened, I do believe the Gods are partying it up, just as much as us mere mortals are. But sadly, December brought heartbreaking news to my stepdad - his dad is being placed into Hospice care. So come Janruary 7th, he will fly to Edmonton to spend some time with him as we sadly, all know how Hospice care tends to end with the elderly, especially those with Dementia.

2024 has been a year that has put my self resolve to the very test. I've had to defend myself against a heinous accusation, had to stand up for what I believe in where it concerned several rabbits and their safety and overall well being. I've had to defend my family and several of my friends. There were many untold losses, both personal and not. In November, my sister lost her brother. Never before did I expect the final death of the year to hit so closely to home but it did. And while I'm beyond grateful my sister is OK, or as OK as can be expected, my heart breaks for the loss she's had to endure, oftentimes while still being a mother and pet owner.

2025 rings in the year of the ram and the year of the snake for those born in 1989. It's a season that is meant to bring abundance and luck for those born under the English Zodiac and the Chinese Zodiac. Fiery spirited and tempered, an Aries isn't one to mess with, for we strike faster than lightning and when you'd least expect it, just like our Chinese Zodiac counterpart.
"2025 brings change for Aries, with Saturn shifting from your 11th to 12th house. The year begins with a focus on social networks and professional relationships. Establishing connections will help you achieve your goals, even if it means accepting some challenges."
"2025 is all about breaking barriers for Aries. With Mars fueling your drive, you'll excel in career and personal endeavors. The year promises growth through calculated risks, with financial stability improving through wise investments."
"This year, much emphasis must be placed on planning and building relationships to unlock career opportunities and manage challenges. For Snakes who are planning a career switch, 2025 provides the chance to transition into thinking and analytical positions."
"The Chinese Horoscope for 2025 marks the Year of the Wood Snake, which signifies a time of transformation, growth, and introspection. Each zodiac sign will experience distinct energies, with a balance between external opportunities and internal change."
