Hey everyone!
Just checking in with a bit of an update and to assure y'all I've not dropped off the face of the earth (it's tempting!) But I move officially 07/22/23! I'll be officially a home owner then! Well. I own my own Travelaire Rustler 5th wheel camper but it works! I've always wanted a tiny home and now I do! I just wanted to give an update.
- I'll be fairly busy after my move. My mom is having some major dental surgery so my ETA of return is still "I dunno o.o" kind of deal. I'm gonna be making sure she's OKAY first. Her diabetes has been acting very weird lately and it's been a genuine cause for major concern as she's been at the max dose then the min dose of allowed insulin and nothing seems to be working so there's that. So please forgive me if I'm MIA out of the blue and don't say anything.
- September I'll be fairly spotty cause I'll be the only one home with her as my stepdad is going to go visit his ailing father who has dementia and we've pooled our money to get him out to Saskatchewan so he can see him before time runs out (as I'm sure you can understand the reasons why).
- August should see some pick-up in activity but please keep in mind, I'm attending online volcanology classes so you may see me active during the day (North America time) or at night (Auckland NZ time) depending on the course work that's needing to be done and the classes location (currently, after the 22, I'll be attending classes in Auckland NZ so will be mostly active at night).
- The following year will see activity flux because this is when we really begin doubling down and getting the renovations on my camper started. So there may be days where I'm simply too tired to work so please forgive me ^^
I hope everyone, whose come across this site, has had fun engaging with it! I've gotten so many beautiful emails of encouragement to keep posting to my blog and I never thought y'all would be so interested in seeing my movie/tv reviews, song reviews, etc. I read each email that I get and I do try my utmost best to respond as best as I can (but sometimes life happens).
I hope to see y'all very soon!
All my love,