Folks I hate to do this but right now it needs to be said. If you tell me you're going to send me x item and never do, then come up with multiple reasons or excuses as to why that item hasn't been sent, I start to think you no longer have, aforementioned item.
My mom can confirm the many and multiple reasons why, I've not shipped out parcels recently. I have other, far more important things to get dealt with. I get it. You want your items. But. I've also kept you in the loop as to what's going on etc.
That said. If those who have items for me DO NOT SEND THEM BY THE END OF OCTOBER, please don't bother at that point. Because at the point, you're sending something out in the mail knowing full damn well, the Christmas rush will be on and the risk of items getting lost in the mail, increases drastically.
At this point, I'm not even interested in the items promised to me. At one point, I was. I genuinely was. But now? Now I firmly believe several parties don't even have said items and I've just been lead to believe they do when in reality, they don't and that hurts.
YES. I'm running a business but at the same time, I've had to;
- Move unexpectedly and BEFORE my planned move out date
- I've been helping a friend of mine get back on his feet
- I've been dealing with people who can't seem to leave my and my mom and stepdad's property the fuck alone
- I've also had to deal with the sudden and unexpected loss of a feline friend
- I've also had to deal with several back to back vet bills that I've YET to recover finically from (and more than likely never will)
So while yes, I may have a few parcels waiting to be shipped out, I've got validated reasons as to WHY these haven't shipped. I've not had the money and when I have, I've not been THINKING about shipping things out because my mind's been elsewhere.
Tonight, I discovered someone had been in my camper. They had not only tampered with my swords, but my cats' Nala and Pele's ashes. I now need to invest in a brand new security system for my camper, need to invest in security cameras, and allllll of this, costs money, all the while I need to figure out, HOW I'm going to do this on less than $1.5k
If you're thinking you're taking me for a fool, please think again. I've had varying parties who I've spoken too, asking if I've gotten x,y,z, parcels and I've had to tell them no. This hurts not only me, but it hurts them because they genuinely feel bad. And they also feel upset because they wasted their time on something that has yet to get to me.
So far, I have people who owe me;
3 parties owe me signed autograph prints - unresolved
4 parties owe me Breyer stablemates - 2 resolved - 2 unresolved
2 parties owe me artwork - actively being resolved
3 parties owe me their end of an art trade - actively being resolved
Like, I don't get it. If you don't have the things you've promised to send, then why bother telling me "oh just wait till x day!" It makes no sense and I've lost trust in quite a few people who are very close to being blocked entirely. Others are on a "will be considered" list for blocking once their parcels have been shipped because I have a sneaking suspicion they are withholding my items, in leu of waiting on theirs, meanwhile, their items were never promised nor mentioned prior to them making a deal with me.
If I owe you money for something but you've not told me, then under Canadian Law, you've exceeded the statue of limitations and now have to send the items free of charge. I've offered to pay several parties multiple times and was told "don't worry about it". I've kept the logs. I have the proof. The fact that, my items are being held hostage so you can get your items, is just deceitful and heartbreaking. Especially if I trusted you at one point and was excited, just as much as you were, to share in an experience with you. But now? That experience is tainted and I no longer even want to acknowledge it even happened. And that hurts. It hurts quite a bit.
So the date is issued. If items aren't sent by the END OF OCTOBER, then don't bother sending them because if you do, I can almost guarantee you, they will get lost in the mail and honestly? I've lost all interest in them by this point.