I first stumbled upon the SGA series quite by mistake when I found a tv series on DVD at my local town library. Curious by the name 'Atlantis' being included, I decided to give it a gander and it's been a whirlwind of laughter, confusion, and me wanting to yeet my ex boyfriends to the alien race known as The Wraith. We'll get into that in a bit.
The series is an expansion on the Stargate franchise which began with Stargate SG-1 and then expanded to Stargate Atlantis and from there to Stargate Universe. Periodically, cast from the various SGs will make cameo appearances and or, guest appearances as can be seen in Stargate Atlantis, Season 4 Episode 17 known as "Midway" when Teal'c appears. In many episodes of SGA, cast from SG1 appear to be the team leader of the SGA mission, such as when Dr. Samantha "Sam" Carter, USAF took over after Elizabeth Weir is considered 'deceased' after the Replicators supposedly 'kill' her.
Stargate Atlantis covers an entire 5 seasons but due to sudden and unexpected rising costs for production and the crash of the US dollar in 2008. Many fans of the franchise were, to say the least, heartbroken simply because the show leaves us with a cliff hanger. Atlantis is brought to earth and in a holding cell, is the Wraith Commander, Todd. An alien whom can't be released into the generalized population of humans as his kind quite literally sucks the life from their victims (which is often an agonizingly slow death and one my sadistically happy self, would enjoy watching my ex boyfriends endure but that's just me).
Now, however, after almost 15 years of the show being cancelled, there is now talks of revamping and reviving the series, at the very least, to close out the story such as it stands. But! We'll just have to wait and see!